7 Simple Self-Care Ideas You Can Put Into Action Today

You know you need to look after yourself, but it is the HOW that has you stuck. Here are 7 simple self-care ideas to get you started!

It’s so easy to get pulled into the everyday grind. Eat, sleep, teach, work, clean, cook, connect with your kids, and sleep. Repeat.

Maybe you throw in a bath with candles or two. Maybe you toss in a healthy meal or a quick walk in the park.

But the truth is you are tired, and just plain worn out.

You know you should put yourself on the list.

Knowing what needs to be done and doing it is another.

You know you need to look after yourself but it is the HOW that has you stuck. Here are 7 simple self-care ideas to get you started!

Confession: I Forgot About Me

I have a habit of making a list of things I need to do each day. Planners are pretty vital in my crazy busy life.

Because when you look at the things we all do each day, between working inside the home (cook/clean/upkeep, etc.) and outside the home (working/shopping/errands/appointments/banking, etc.), mix in teaching, raising children, organizing activities, volunteer work, taking care of animals, pets and family…it’s easy to see why I might forget about myself on the list of things to take care of.

I used to run and work out quite regularly.

For me, working out, whatever that might be from a day at the park playing with the kids or a run down the road, or a weight lifting workout in my living room. It was important because it meant time for me!

I was able to walk away (literally) from the day’s stress, bills, and problems at the workplace and forget about them.

But then life shifted, as it tends to do.

I went back to work, and I got really sick which turned out to be one of the signs you are in survival mode. I took a workout break (as I was advised) until I got better.

I actually had workout withdrawal, I got better and survived burnout, but the workout plan never returned.

Because I forgot about myself.

Taking Action: Putting Myself On The List

It took 3 months to get back on my feet.

It took eating right, exercising regularly, and taking a few minutes each day for me.

Self-care makes me a better wife, mom, and friend. Self-care helps me de-stress, handle stress better, and make life’s challenges a little bit easier.

Easy Self-Care Ideas

Determined to start remembering myself, I made a plan of action. I want to share with you 7 simple self-care ideas you can use to make sure you take care of yourself each day.

7 Simple Self-Care Ideas:

As you look over these self-care ideas, make note of the ones you feel would help you recharge. Remember, not everyone is recharged by the same things.

Some of us need quiet and stillness, and some of us require movement and action. Figure out what self-care ideas work for you!

1. Move!

When I hurt my back, my physiotherapist said that staying in one position is really hard on your body and mental health. Aim to move for at least 30 minutes each day.

5 Ideas to put this into action are:

  • Take the stairs.
  • Boogie dance in your kitchen with your kids.
  • Park far away from the office.
  • Grab your favorite workout video and do it.
  • Purchase a gym membership, and GO!

I wear a Fitbit Charge and those little steps really add up. Make it fun. Make it a game. Do what it takes to get moving every single day.

You’ll be amazed at how good you feel!

2. Keep A Journal

Talking out your feelings and frustrations is a great way to release pent-up stress. One of my favorite self-care ideas is to write out my feelings in a journal I love. It is very therapeutic.

Tip: Keep it by your bed so you can brain dump in the morning or evening. Or if you are like me, you’ll know where it is!

daily gratitude journal

3. Meal Plan

Eating healthy is important for busy moms. It fuels your body so you can cope with whatever life throws at you.

Baby yourself with a lunch filled with all your favorite (good for you!) foods in a grab-and-go container.

A good meal planning system and routine save time, money, and sanity.

Need help getting started? Check out these done for you quick and easy recipes, you’ll feel so much more confident.

And the self-care side? You’ll be less stressed because you have a plan. And it’s laid out, step-by-step, easy to follow, no thinking required!

Because the last thing you need is something else to do!

4. Indulge In Your Favorite Hobby

Spend a few minutes on your favorite hobby.

Knit a scarf, cook up an amazing cake, dig in the garden, play with your essential oils.

And do it alone.

I am all for connecting with your kids, but mom needs time to be alone.

One way to make sure you get a few minutes of time to yourself is to create a “Quiet time” routine. Encourage your kids to grab a quiet activity from their quiet boxes for kids and sit even for 30 minutes while you go indulge in one of these self-care ideas that recharge you.

Remember, our kids learn by watching. If you practice self-care, they will learn that it is okay to take care of their mental health!

5. Read A Book/ Listen To A Podcast

My personal all-time favorite self-care activity is to read a book. I can travel the world and beyond without leaving my house.

If you can’t think of what to read or listen to, ask friends. They always have the best ideas!

6. Get Take Out

Take-out is always a treat in our house because we don’t do it often. Grab a pizza, a local treat such as fish and chips or something more on the healthy side.

I love self-care ideas that mean I don’t have to cook or clean up!

Tip: Get something YOU want. I always ask the kids and end up with “meh” food.

7. Unplug

If you are anything like me, you start your day reading online, checking your emails, checking your online planner, and the kid’s online homeschool programs.

The great thing about technology is that it goes almost everywhere you are.

The bad thing about technology is that it goes almost everywhere you are.

When the overwhelm hits, take a break. The world will still be there when you come back online.

7 Tips To Finding The Time For Your Self-Care

You’ve got your list of self-care ideas, the next step is to put it into action. Having a list is great, but if you don’t actually take the time to recharge, you aren’t going to get the results you want.

Self-care isn’t always a full-day experience, you can recharge in a few minutes. Finding those few minutes when you work full time, homeschool full time, and run a house is tough.

I want to share a few ways you can make the time to put these self-care ideas into action!

7 Tips To Make Time For You:

  • Look at your schedule and find the time for you, even 5 minutes a day
  • Write a list of physical activities you like doing- choose something you find fun
  • Write a list of relaxing just for activities such as taking a bath, reading a book, etc.
  • Keep these lists you just created somewhere you will see them
  • Make your changes small and doable
  • Find a partner in crime, someone to support you and encourage you to take care of yourself
  • Keep in mind your limits and lifestyle, work with them not against them

Life is busy. If you aren’t careful, you can fall into the trap of forgetting about your needs.

Self-care doesn’t have to be complicated. Keep it simple!

Remember, there is only one of you, and no one can make you take care of you. Only you can do that! You got this!

Need more ideas? Read: How to Make Time for Self-Care When You Don’t Have Time


You know you need to look after yourself but it is the HOW that has you stuck. Here are 7 simple self care ideas to get you started!

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